Gold Fairy Silhouette





Hearts,​ Mind &​




Angel Flying Vintage Illustration

A sound therapy, ​breathwork and ​energy healing studio ​that brings calm to ​the heart of Wilmslow

Beautiful soul thank you for visiting my website, if you have ​landed here, I truly believe that your Angels have guided you ​here, I am an international accredited Angelic Reiki Master ​Teacher, Angelic Healer, Magdalene Womb Healer, Divine Space ​Sound Healing Practioner and retreat leader.

Who am I.

After suffering an emotional, mental and physical breakdown, ​which was the beginning of my awakening and healing journey. ​I lost all everything that I thought mattered, however I gained ​everything and I new life at the age of 44. Which is when ​Angels began to connect with me, in fact they healed me and ​opened up my spiritual gifts. The ability to see and feel ​energies and connect others with Angels, their gifts and, their ​healing journeys.

I am a channel of energies and my soul mission in this lifetime ​is to bring in light and healing into the planet, awaken soul to ​their own inherent healing abilities, gifts, bringing guidance ​and teaching during the ascension process. I now get my highs ​and peace from nature, time alone, my pets, family, meditation, ​prayer, faith, church, pottering about, taking myself to ​Glastonbury once a month for teaching and my own spiritual ​experiences. And my work which is my most favourite thing to ​do…. I’m a hugger of trees and humans, I live in flow and ​surrender, I’m utterly disorganised and wing everything by the ​grace of God

I now have a beautiful studio in Wilmslow South Manchester ​where I do all things, healing, wellbeing, spiritual and the ​opportunity to have a reset for the Mind, Body and Soul. I offer a ​safe and scared space for healing, deep connection, spiritual ​practices, or time just for a reset and recharge. My studio is a ​temple of light and has been built and created solely upon love ​and kindness.

So what do I do..

I’m an Angelic & Divine space holder (some would say healer) I ​am the vessel for the energies work through me, they do the ​healing, not me. I work with Christ’s Light and God Source ​energy, helping people on their wellbeing, healing, awakening ​and ascension paths. I am an Accredited International Angelic ​Reiki Master Teacher, qualified by the founders of Angelic Reiki ​International, Angelic Healer, Seraphim Practioner and a ​Magdalene Womb Healer and 13 Womb Rites Keeper. Alongside ​this I offer Sound-Healing Therapy, Workshops, Corporate ​Wellness, Women’s Retreats and Circles, Angelic and Spiritual ​guidance, teachings, and guide souls onto their awakening and ​ascension journey.

I look forward to connecting with you and sharing a beautiful ​journey with you

Love, Light & Angelic Blessings

Jayne Whittaker

Vintage Cupid or Angel
Cloudy Sky with Stars Background

1:1 Angelic Healing & Angelic Reiki

Angelic Reiki is the healing for this time as the world is changing, we are now ready to receive this ​high vibrational healing from God and the Angelic energies. Unlike traditional Reiki, Angelic healing ​operates on different principles, connecting directly with God Source energy and Angelic energies and ​working on not only a physical level, but also on a soul level. The energy is channeled directly from ​Source. the facilitator (healer) channels the energy of the Divine Presence and Angelic energies of the ​Angels of 100% light. This is a hand’s on, physical treatment, which can alleviate significant

number of physical and emotional aliments, this treatment can also be an extremely profound ​spiritual experience for those that are open and wanting an Angelic and soul experience.

Physical & Emotional Benefits of Angelic Healing:

  • Emotional & Physical Wellbeing
  • Stress, Depression & Anxiety
  • Fatigue & Insomnia
  • Physical & Emotional Abuse
  • Addiction & Recovery
  • Heal Trauma

Energetic & Spiritual Benefits:

  • Connection with your Soul & Higher-self
  • Connect & open to Angelic Energies, Celestial Guides, Divine Presence, God, Jesus, Mother Mary
  • Assist Spiritual Awakening
  • Ascension assistance
  • Removal of energy attachments & parasites
  • Entity Removal
  • Cord Cutting
  • Multi-dimensional & past life healing

Magdalane Womb Healing & 13 ​Munay-Ki Womb Rights

Journeying into the mystical realms of womb healing and blessings, this work with Mary ​Magdalene and the Sisterhood of the Venus and Roseline, Mother Mary, Ana, Sarah Talmer ​(The Holy Grail), Quan Yin, working alongside the Divine Masculine Christ energy. Womb ​Healing will bring in self-acceptance, inner peace, self-love, healing, clearing trauma, sexual ​energies, misused Kundalini Life Force energy, bringing the physical, emotional and spiritual ​bodies into harmony and rejuvenate the life force of creation. The Womb, for she is a hidden ​and forgotten treasure.

Magdalene Womb Healing can assist with:

  • Rebalance menstrual cycle
  • Reconnection during before or after Menopause
  • Fertility struggles
  • Miscarriages and still birth trauma
  • Abortion Trauma
  • Trauma
  • Physical and abusive Experiences
  • Heal trauma

Energetic & Spiritual Benefits:

  • Clear & cut energetic attachments & parasites
  • Clearing & cutting karmic ties
  • Heightening connection with Guides & Celestial Team
  • Clear ancestral lineage


Breathwork is a powerful way to access your body’s innate intelligence to heal itself. Breathwork, the ​conscious awareness of your breath, is a practice that is thousands of years old, and while there are many ​variations, styles and names, all types of breathwork offer the chance for personal transformation through ​improved mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Our breath, or prana, is literally what keeps ​us alive, and yet, so often, we go through the day chronically shallow breathing, denying ourselves our full ​life force which often keeping us in a state of anxiety, or fight or flight. Breathwork, or the process of deep ​rhythmic breathing, moves us out of fight or flight and into the parasympathetic nervous system. It is said ​that how we breathe is how we live, and so to live life to its fullest, lets breathe into our healing. And that’s ​where a breathwork practice comes in. Because breathwork literally raises our energy (our frequency) it’s ​one of the key therapeutic modalities we utilize at FREQUENCY as part of our Emotional Fitness ​Architecture to create emotional well-being and emotional resilience. Breathwork bridges ancient wisdom ​with modern science to help you unlock our full potential. Come breathe with us at Frequency and begin to ​experience firsthand the healing power of the breath.

Breathwork has been a big part of my healing and spiritual journey, through the breath in a scared safe ​space we can open up the gateway to our internal healing and access higher realms and consciousness.

Benefits of Breathwork


Sound Healing Therapy

There are so many bene.fits from being immersed in a sound-bath, the vibrations and frequencies can put ​you into a relaxing state, where your body releases endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and ​norepinephrine. These feel-good chemicals make us happy and help move us out of the fight or flight stress ​response.

In today’s fast-paced world, people are always looking for ways to unplug, slow down, relax their minds and ​go within. And this is why sound baths are so perfect for that (and much more) because they can create a ​calming environment where you can tune out any distractions and simply focus on bringing peace and ​tranquility into your whole being. Through these sounds and vibrations, the mind enters into a deeply ​meditative and relaxed state, bringing about healing at all levels of our being: physical, emotional, mental, ​and spiritual. The beauty of sound baths is that each note you hear in a sound bath has a purpose. It’s more ​than just a string of beautiful sounds tied together - a powerful healing intention is behind every single ​note and sequence!

As an extremely effective form of meditation, sound baths are an excellent way to let go of any worries and ​sink into a deeply serene experience. Adding sound to the meditation experience can take your relaxation to ​a new level and take you to new realms.

So what exactly is a sound bath, how does it work, and what are the benefits?

Sound baths are therapeutic and meditative experiences where the participants “bathe” in the sounds and ​vibrations produced by different sound healing instruments such as:

  • Feeling calmer/less stressed
  • Muscles that feel looser
  • A greater sense of relaxation
  • Pain relief
  • The ability to sleep better
  • Calming your body and mind
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Increased focus and clarity
  • Decreased tension and fatigue
  • Better mood and reduced negative thoughts and emotions
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced muscle and joint pain
  • Lower heart rate
  • Improved mood.
  • Better body awareness/being more in tune with your body ...............and so much more

Connect with your Angels ​Workshop

Sensing Angelic Energy

Do you believe in Angels?

Do you believe but you are not quite sure how to tune in and ​connect with your Angels?

This is a deep inward journey workshop experience you will be ​immersed within yourself and the Angelic energies

You will be taken through guided Angelic meditations and ​activations.

  • Connect with your higher self & connecting with Angelic ​Frequencies & Realms
  • Self Healing with Angelic Energies
  • Angelic Sound Journey
  • Learn how to bless objects with Angelic Energies
  • Learn how to connect & call your Angels in
  • Learn how to connect through angel Cards
  • Workbooks to take home
Angel Flying Vintage Illustration


5 star rating

I love my one to one sessions with Jayne, I look forward ​to them so much. It’s like a mind and body reset. The ​work she does clears out energy blockages, heals the ​body and soul and the sound therapy makes you feel ​amazing. The studio is so tranquil and feels full of love. I ​can’t recommend Jayne highly enough. I always leave ​with a spring in my step and full of inspiration and ​motivation.

Cassie x

5 star rating

I absolutely love this place. Always come away feeling ​inner clam and completely relaxed. Jayne is wonderful , ​super kind and a brilliant healer. I would definitely ​recommend having a 1-2-1 Angelic Reiki and the group ​Sound Baths are amazing. Thank you Jayne for ​everything X

Karl C

5 star rating
5 star rating

Jayne has been amazing in helping me through very ​difficult times. She has introduced me to relaxation, ​meditation and sound baths. These have provided me ​with so much insight and experiences that i didn't even ​know were possible. My 121 healing experiences are ​magical and helped beyond my expectations leaving me ​with a much clearer mind, stronger and more equipped ​to deal with difficut situations. She has a beautiful ​studio where I can go and feel truly calm and let go of ​the stresses and traumas of life. Xx

The times I've spent with Jayne in the studio has really ​impacted my well-being for one in a way I've been able to ​release & be me . The space is so beautiful calming and ​filled with beautiful energy.

Jayne's practice is something special she listens and ​works to your needs. I've attended vision board ​workshops. I've had numerous one-to-one sessions and ​every time I leave I feel like I can't wait till the next ​session.

Jayne's calming presence and energy is something I ​wish I could experience every day the environment she ​creates is unique, magical, warm , safe and every time I ​leave with a new playlist of beautiful songs to remind me ​of my experience.

I've too many takeaways to mention from my experience ​all I can say is you need to book in , I'm looking forward ​to holding a Christmas party for friends in the studio to ​experience Jayne's presence , expertise and beautiful ​nature.

Jayne really is an earth 👼🏻 Angel

Thank you for being a blessing

Emma Neville

5 star rating

How do I find the words to explain just how incredibly ​blessed and lucky I feel to have found Jayne! 1 year with ​Jayne has changed my life more than 10+ years of ​traditional therapy. The words I always use to describe ​my first session with Jayne are that I felt the darkness ​that was attached to my body lift, and I felt light for the ​first time! After many healing sessions, soundbaths and ​Angelic Reiki courses later, I honestly feel like a ​different person, and feel like I’ve finally found ‘me’. I ​don’t think I could have done it without Jayne’s guidance ​both in and out of our sessions. Everyone should have ​the chance to experience the most beautiful things that ​many of us have experienced with Jayne and in the ​studio. It’s life changing and I’m forever grateful

Natalie x

Angel Flying Vintage Illustration
5 star rating

Where do I start….. I first came to Jayne after coming across her instagram ​page, I decided to book on a Soundbath a little nervous, she was soo welcoming ​and there was just an instant feeling of calm this was a beautiful experience ​quite emotional but I left feeling different and a little bit lighter. I knew then I ​needed to book for a 1-1 healing. I had a 1-1 a few weeks later, Jayne once again ​welcomed me into her special studio it’s soo peaceful and you really can feel the ​gorgeous energies. The 1-1 was deeply healing after being in a dark place for ​some time suffering with anxiety/panic attacks ,loss/grief & a break up I had ​just been ploughing through as a mummy not realising I’d burnt myself out. ​The 1-1 really did change something for me it’s hard to put into words it was ​like my nervous system was reset I felt an inner peace and a heaviness leave ​which lead me to delve deeper into my healing journey with Jayne. I made the ​decision to give myself the time for me I did weekly Soundbaths, 1-1s every ​month and other sessions. As my journey progressed I began to have some ​profound spiritual experiences connecting deeply and it sparked a light inside ​of me. I went on to do the Angelic Reiki healing courses which was special in a ​way no words can describe it took me to realms beyond with the most beautiful ​healing throughout, connecting with beautiful souls and magical outer body ​experiences 💫 The courses go through processes that can……let’s say make you ​feel a little crazy but Jayne’s guidance and support got me through. The love ​care and after support of every session, course, walk is amazing Jayne you ​really are an Earth Angel .

You’ve not only helped me back from a very dark place you’ve brought me back ​to Who I am. I am a completely different person to who walked through your ​studio door in July 2023 not only has this changed my life but my girls lives too, ​they’ve got a mummy who’s happy and fully present I’ve been able to navigate ​us all to a place of happiness full of love and special moments. I’ve been able to ​understand my life and how everything has happened just how it was meant to ​I’ve healed childhood traumas found peace in my grief and loss with a whole ​new way of continuing my life without them physically.

Jayne I am truly blessed to have you become my Mentor, Master teacher and ​friend you gave me a safe space to just be & let go thank you, forever grateful ​you was sent into my life at the perfect moment.


5 star rating

I cannot express enough how transformative my journey ​with Jayne has been since I first went to her in the wake ​of my father's sudden passing in 2021. In my time of ​painful grief, Jayne provided a safe haven where I could ​explore my emotions and heal.

I realised there was so much more that I needed to heal ​from and I am still discovering more now.

Through her 1:1 healing sessions, sound baths, new moon ​circles, and angel connection workshops, I have ​experienced a noticeable shift within myself. Jayne has a ​unique gift for helping individuals tap into their inner ​selves, and she has certainly helped me enhance my ​emotional intelligence and embrace a sense of relaxation ​that I never thought possible.

Jayne is not just a healer; she is a true angel. I am ​forever grateful for the light she has brought into my ​life.

Thank you, Jayne, for everything you do!

Smudge Kit with White Sage Stick, Abalone Sea Shell. Natural Elements for Cleansing Negative Energy

House , Business Premise’s Cleansing’s & Clearing

Are you feeling stuck? Do you want to move forward?

Perhaps you sense energy in your home which is causing you to feel uncomfortable?

Do you have spiritual or energetic activity you cannot explain?

Are you trying to sell or let a property?

Have you moved into new home and want clear, new and angelic energies and blessings bestowed upon your new home?

A home cleansing and blessing may help.

The way in which I cleanse and bless properties and surrounding land is done through Prayer and Angelic Space Clearing. Energy, entities, spirit ​can not be cleared with the use of smudging tools like sage alone. The work is also done with the use of Holy Water, Aramaic chants, tuning ​forks, burning of sacred herbs, Frankincense, Myrrh, Copal and Spikenard

£150 per hour, minimum of 3 hours will be required dependant on the amount of rooms in the property


• Low Energy

• Headaches

• Quick-Tempered

• Depression or Anxiety

• Problems with Sleep (bad dreams, restless sleep)

• Hyper-Sensitive

• Hearing Voices

• Feeling Stuck or Lost

• Feeling Powerless or Helpless

• Seem to have Bad Luck

• Lack of Purpose

Heaven light ray

The Purpose of the 1st & 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki Course

The purpose of this workshop is to awaken an unconditional link with the healing energy of the Angelic Kingdom. This is a ​wonderful gift for personal development and to share with friends and family.

This workshop does not include a professional qualification.

This workshop may totally change your life! It will give you the most perfect gift for you. It has proved to be the catalyst for ​many participants to find, and follow their life’s purpose. It will support your own personal healing and spiritual journey, ​open up gifts and spiritual talents, and reveal your dharma. It will enable you to support family and friends, or be a step on ​the way to share Angelic Reiki with others as a professional healer or teacher.

It is wonderfully practical with lots of opportunities to experience the unique gift of giving and receiving an Angelic Reiki ​healing.

This workshop will include

    • Two Angelic Reiki cleanses and attunements
    • One Archangelic initiation and blessing
    • A definition and understanding of the nature of Angelic energy
    • The principles of clearing and dedicating space
    • Six healing methods including self and distant healing
    • Four practical healing exchanges
    • Cleansing and attuning crystals
    • The laws of healing according to the divine hierarchy as given by Djwhal Khul

Full Attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree which includes 8 Divine Multi-dimensional Symbols

    • A complete Karma Cutting and Angelic Clearing prior to taking the attunement
    • Hands-on healing experience, being a channel for healing energy through Healing Angels and the Reiki Symbols plus ​the first steps in Multi-dimensional Healing
    • An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through the Archangel Metatron and Angelic ​Collective “The Mighty Sarim”. This involves an attunement given by 30 Archangels, the Chief Celestial Angel Princes

Angel Statue
Heaven light ray

The level 1&2 workshop is a powerful experience and lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of the Ascension.

It places you in your own Spiritual Power and Knowledge of yourself as the Ascended Master that you truly are.

Full Syllabus

    • An understanding of the process of clearing and dedicating a healing space. Also the closing of the space after the ​session is complete
    • The importance of the closing of the space after the session is complete
    • A definition of Angels through understanding them as the Divine archetypes of this created universe
    • Cleansing and attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st Degree
    • Cleansing and attunement to Angelic Reiki 2nd Degree
    • Activation of the symbols by Lord Melchizedek to their Galactic vibration
    • Entity release if needed
    • The Angelic attunement by the 30 Archangels of the Mighty Sarim, including the attunement of the Master Crystal
    • Activation by Archangel Metatron of the Reiki symbols to the Angelic vibration
    • Introduction to the laws and rules of healing as given by Djwhal Khul to Alice Bailey in the book ‘Esoteric Healing’
    • Four healing methods and healing exchanges
    • Explanation of distance and self-healing
    • Angelic Reiki for pregnancy, unborn children and babies and the support of indigo children
    • Explanation of how to create a sacred space and the part crystals, cards, candles, colour, sound and sacred essences play ​in this
    • How to attune crystals and essences to Angelic Reiki and how important this is
    • Provision of the level 1&2 workbook to each participant at the start of the class, and explanation of the material in this ​book
    • The shape, sound, drawing, and meaning of the symbols are not taught. Simply to look at the symbols integrates their ​vibration into the recipient’s consciousness.
    • The most perfect symbols and energy are provided, brought and guided by the Angelic Kingdom of Light

Heaven light ray

The Purpose of the 3rd & 4th Degree Angelic Reiki Course

The purpose of the workshop is to initiate the ​participant into the Master energy of this ​system. This is an invitation to the on-going ​process of self-mastery, not a teaching ​qualification.

Full Syllabus

    • The purpose and process of dedicating, ​clearing, opening and closing the ​workshop space
    • Review of the nature of Angelic Energy ​and Archangels
    • Grounding and the Feeling Body ​Meditation
    • Three healing exchanges
    • Cleansing and attunement to Angelic Reiki ​3rd Degree
    • Cleansing, entity release and attunement ​to Angelic Reiki 4th Degree
    • Angelic Ray Attunement
    • Masters Archangelic Initiation
    • Understanding of the Soul Family as ​introduced in the Healing with the Divine ​Presence
    • History, information and discussion on ​the use of the Eye Healing
    • Information and discussion of the Angelic ​Reiki Organisation in your country

Heaven light ray

Angelic Reiki Professional Practitioner Course

The purpose of this workshop is twofold. It is to extend and deepen the participant’s knowledge of the healing ​process and to provide appropriate support and training for those interested in practising professionally.

This workshop is divided into two parts. The first is compulsory and focuses on the Angelic Reiki healing art. ​The second is professional training and includes a review of our professional codes of ethics.

Full Syllabus – Part One

    • One clearing and entity release
    • Two attunements
    • Initiation with the Mighty Sarim
    • Two new healing methods: Etheric Body and Spherical Healing
    • Information on the two types of healing used in Angelic Reiki: Magnetic and Radiatory
    • Working with the ‘Feeling Body’
    • Review of how to cleanse and dedicate a space and the purpose and function of this in the healing ​situation
    • Healing into death and an understanding of the death and dying process
    • The nature of disease and the implications of this on the healing session
    • The elements of the healing session:

– Confidentiality

– Duration

– Listening and communication skills

– Feedback

– How to deal with clients who are on medication

Archangel Gabriel
Heaven light ray

Angelic Reiki Professional Practitioner Course

Full Syllabus – Part Two

The information given in the manual regarding the subjects listed below is not just about the mundane, ​but also incorporates an understanding of the esoteric and spiritual principles that underpin each of the ​areas.

The depth to which business issues are covered will depend on the teacher’s area of specialist knowledge. ​Every teacher cannot be expected to be an expert in accountancy, business management and marketing.

It is therefore up to the student to source particular information that they might need. The important ​thing is to gain an understanding of the spiritual aspects involved when setting up in private practice:

    • Legislation and insurance
    • Practical management, the healing space, renting versus using a space in your home, organising ​appointments, setting boundaries
    • Fees to be charged for sessions
    • Setting up in business, business plan, funding, and keeping accounts
    • Marketing, promoting yourself and the principals of creating your own reality
    • Ethics with discussion of issues raised
    • Ongoing professional development
    • Mentoring and supervision

Heaven light ray

The Angelic Reiki Master Teacher Course

The workshop will initiate the participant into the Master Teacher energy of this system.

All participants of the Master Teacher workshop need to have completed the Level 1&2 workshop, the Level 3&4 workshop ​and the Professional Practitioner workshop.

The Master Teacher workshop requires a minimum of a two and a half days (17-19 hours) The purpose of the manual is to ​create a framework of topics and information that needs to be presented. Discussion and personal examples have an ​important part to play.

The manual also acts as a reference for teachers preparing for their own classes.

Full Syllabus

  • Principles and practice of clearing and dedicating the space
  • Fourth Degree clearing, entity release and attunement
  • Meditation with the Archangels of the Tree of Life
  • Archangelic Master initiation and attunement
  • Grounding and the ‘Feeling Body’
  • Setting up as a Teacher
  • Practical advice for setting up workshops
  • Workshop guidance
  • Practical experience and guidance for leading a healing practice
  • Guidance on facilitating attunements, cleanses and the entity release
  • Organisation, support and responsibilities of the Teacher
  • Review and discussion of any topics or issues presented in Angelic Reiki

heal with me

Beautiful angel in heaven









For all enquiries email me direct at

love & light x